enabled describes whether this part of the policy should be enforced or not Boolean true true, false
compensatingControl describes whether there’s another mechanism in place [elsewhere] to handle access controls Boolean false true,false
authenticationPolicy the following definitions apply to the application’s authentication policies
authenticationRequired describes if authentication is required for access to the application Boolean true true, false
supportedMethods methods users can take to authenticate to the application String Array [“uname/passwd”,“oauth”] [“uname/passwd”,“oauth”,“saml”,“openid”,“jwt”]
passwords defines the password policy
minLen minimum number of characters each password must have Number (int) 12 Any Number > 0
maxLen maximum number of characters each password can have Number(int) 24 Cannot be smaller than minLen
regex describes what the password must contain (letters, numbers, special characters) RegEx String ”^(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[0-9])(?=.[`~!@#$%^&*()_ .,[=])” => 3 uppercase, 3 lowercase, 3 numbers, 3 special characters (! @#$%^&<) N/A
expires when the password will expire (in days) Number (int) 0 => never expires Any integer >= 0
supportedHashes which programs can be used to hash the password Array [“bcrypt”] [“bcrypt”,“scrypt”,“sha512”]
lockout when will users be locked out of their accounts
attempts how many bad attempts before the account is disabled Number (int) 3 Any integer >= 0 (0 = never lock)
automaticReset how long (in seconds) until the account is re-enabled Number (int) 60000 (10 minutes) Any number >= 0 (0 = never unlock)
tarpitDefault how long (in miliseconds) before users can try again Number (int) 1000 (1 second) Any number >= 0 (0 = no tarpitting)
mfaRequired is multifactor authentication required for the application Boolean false true, false
authorization the following definitions apply to the application’s authorization policies
authorizationRequired do users have to be authorized to access parts of the application Boolean false true, false
supportedTypes describes relationship between roles String Array [“flat”,“inherited”] [“flat”,“inherited”]
rbacPolicy defines the role based access control policy
roles what roles will the application support String Array [“user”,“moderator”,“admin”] Any String in Array
permissions what permissions will each role have String Array [“read”,“write”,“create”,“delete”,“approve”,“reject”] Any String in Array