enabled whether this part of the policy will be enforced Boolean true true, false
compensatingControl whether there’s another mechanism to handle this (elsewhere) in the stack Boolean false true, false
config header settings
csp content security policy settings
directives csp directives
default-src default sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
media-src media sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
base-uri uris that a user agent may use as the document’s base URL String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
img-src image sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
font-src font sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
connect-src connection sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
object-src object sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
plugin-types plugin-types String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
child-src child sources String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
frame-src specifies valid sources for elements such as <frame> and <iframe>. This directive falls back to child-src if not specified. String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
frame-ancestors specifies parents thay may embed a page using elements such as <frame> and <iframe>. It replaces the X-Frame-Options header. String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
manifest-src specifies which manifest can be applied to the resource. This directive falls back to default-src if not specified. String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
worker-src specifies valid sources for Worker, SharedWorker or ServiceWorker String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all” OR comma-separated list of sources
script-src specifies valid sources for JavaScript.** String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all”, “data” OR comma-separated list of sources
style-src specifies valid sources for stylesheets.*** String Array [“‘self’”] String Array => “self”, “none”, “all”, “data” OR comma-separated list of sources
upgradeInsecureRequests forces a user agent to load all assets over HTTPS, even if the URL specifies HTTP, when the page is loaded using HTTPS Boolean true true, false
blockAllMixedContent prevents a user agent from loading any assets using HTTP when the page is loaded using HTTPS Boolean true true, false
requireSriFor requires the use of SRI for Scripts or Styles on the page. JSON Object {“scripts”: true, “styles”: true} JSON Object where keys => “scripts”, “styles” && values => true OR false
sandbox applies restrictions to a page including the prevention of popups, plugins, scripts and enforcing a same-origin policy
enable enables sandbox protection with all restrictions in place. Further values can be specified to disable particular restrictions. Boolean true true, false
allow-popups _allows popups Boolean true true, false
allow-top-navigation Allows content to navigate and close their top-level browsing context. Boolean true true, false
allow-same-origin Allows content to access other content from the same origin. Boolean true true, false
allow-forms Allows form submissions. Boolean false true, false
allow-pointer-lock Enables the Pointer Lock API Boolean true true, false
allow-scripts Allows script execution Boolean true true, false
reflectedXSS configures the built in heuristics a user agent has to filter or block reflected XSS attacks.
allow Allows reflected XSS attacks. Boolean false true, false
block _ Block reflected XSS attacks._ Boolean true true, false
filter Filter the reflected XSS attack. Boolean false true, false
reportUri specifies the URI that the user agent will POST a JSON formatted violation report to should the CSP be violated.
default _base setting for the report uri String “enabled” “enabled” or “disabled”
uriLocation endpoint where report violations will go String ”/cspviolations” String
port listening port for csp violations Number(int) 3030 Any integer >= 1025
reportOnly marks the CSP header in report only mode. The user agent will deliver violation reports but not enforce the policy. Boolean true i true, false
useNonce “number used once” to to white list the entire script block regardless of what’s in there Boolean false true, false
useHash browser-calculated hash value so that only the exact script block can run Boolean false true, false
mimeSettings identification of document formats
mimeTypes methods to determine how a document will be processed String Array [ “text/html”, “application/json”, “image/jpg”, “image/png”, “multipart/form-data”] String Array, standard mime-types
contentEncoding used to compress the media-type String Array [“gzip”] [“gzip”, “compress”, “deflate”, “identity”, “br]
characterEncoding mapping between bytes and text String Array [“utf-8”] [“us-ascii”, “utf-8”, “utf-16”, “utf-32”]
xContentTypeOptions allows to opt-out of MIME type sniffing String or null “nosniff” “nosniff”, null
strictTransportSecurity web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP
enabled turns this header on or off Boolean true true,false
includeSubDomains forces all subdomains to follow HSTS settings of parent Boolean true true,false
preload Google maintains an HSTS preload service. By following the guidelines and successfully submitting your domain, browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection Boolean false true, false
maxAge The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that a site is only to be accessed using HTTPS Number(int) 31536000 Integer >= 0 (0 = never enforce)
preventClickJacking prevent pages from being framed Boolean true true, false
referrals how referrals are treated
enabled turn this on or off Boolean true true,false
options referrer options
noReferer never send a referrer header Boolean true true, false
noOnDowngrade don’t send a referrer if the scheme goes from HTTPS–> HTTP Boolean false true, false
originOnly _ send the origin of the document as the referrer in all cases._ Boolean false true, false
originOnCross Send a full URL when performing a same-origin request, but only send the origin of the document for other cases. Boolean false true, false
unsafeUrl Send a full URL when performing a same-origin or cross-origin request. Boolean false true, false
xssProtection stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
enabled turns this feature on or off Boolean true true, false
mode sets mode=block Array [ 1, “block” ] Array[0] => 0 (Disable XSS filtering), 1 (If a cross-site scripting attack is detected, the browser will sanitize the page.), 1, mode=block (Rather than sanitizing the page, the browser will prevent rendering of the page if an attack is detected.), 1 report= (the browser will sanitize the page and report the violation)
caching sets cache control headers
enabled turns cache-control headers on/off Boolean true true, false
compensatingControl whether there’s another mechanism to handle this (elsewhere) in the stack Boolean false true, false
routeOverload change cache-settings on a per-route basis Boolean false true, false
cacheControl specify directives for caching mechanisms in both requests and responses String Array [ “no-cache”, “no-store”, “no-transform”, “must-revalidate”, “max-age=0” ] [ “no-cache”, “no-store”, “no-transform”, “must-revalidate”, “max-age=0”] (0 = no-cache)
pragma used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches where the Cache-Control HTTP/1.1 header is not yet present. String “no-cache” “no-cache”
eTags identifier for a specific version of a resource
enabled turns this header on or off Boolean true true, false
strength ensure byte-for-byte resource equivilency String “strong” “strong”, “weak”
vary determines how to match future request headers to decide whether a cached response can be used rather than requesting a fresh one from the origin server String Array [“origin”, “host”,“referer”] Any generated header

* Won’t be set if Object Sources isn’t set

** This directive falls back to default-src if not specified. When either script-src or default-src are present the use of inline script and eval() is blocked without the addition of Unsafe Inline and Unsafe Eval respectively.

*** This directive falls back to default-src if not specified. When either style-src or default-src are present the use of inline <style> elements and HTML style attributes are disabled unless you specify Unsafe Inline.

i Run the csp in ‘report only’ mode until you are confident that all of your desired sources are loading correctly